This update covers important information for horse owners, riders and breeders during the Coronovirus crisis and covers Government and BEF Member body guidance on the following topics: horse welfare, veterinary, competition, essential travel, competition and riding.
During the COVID-19 pandemic you’re likely to have more telephone based consultations with your vet & farrier. The British Equine Veterinary Association BEVA and the British Farriers & Blacksmiths Association BFBA have provided a range of resources and guidance to help you prepare to answer some of the questions your vet or farrier may ask you for.
BFBA Advice for Farriers COVID – 19
It is mutually agreed that farriery is considered essential work. We are currently at the beginning of an initial three week lock down period and in the coming weeks we will continue to liaise with them.
Whilst we agree that farriery is essential, we are also mindful of our responsibilities as individuals whilst continuing to provide hoofcare services and must adhere to the strictest biosecurity measures and the government guidelines on social distancing. Unnecessary travel should be avoided and we ask that you consider each appointment according to the following system –
RED – Farrier Should Attend – crucial hoofcare – to not attend a regular hoofcare appointments would have serious detrimental effects, promote discomfort and cause pain. This includes care of foals.
AMBER – Farrier Should Consider Delaying Where Possible – advisory hoofcare – where the timing of regular hoofcare appointments is an important factor in maintaining soundness. Consideration must be given as to whether the timescale between appointments can be extended without the equine becoming a ‘red’.
GREEN – Farrier Should Not Attend – non crucial hoofcare – these include equines whose hoofcare cycles can be easily extended without any long-term detrimental affects.
Whilst at the appointment –
Call ahead to verify that no-one present is ill or has been in contact with anyone who is ill.
No more than one owner or carer should be in attendance at appointments and should tie the horse up and then immediately move away to a safe distance to allow you to work.
These are the only horses and ponies that a farrier should attend. Similar guidance should be adopted by all other equine paraprofessionals ie chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, masseurs and indeed all other attendees of the horse.
These BEVA U tube videos will guide you through these difficult and dangerous times How to help your Vet during Covid 19 How to take your horse’s temperature How to measure breathing How to check your horses gums How to take your horse’s pulse Laminitis during Covid 19 Eyes & breathing problems during Covid 19 Colic during Covid 19 Wounds & lameness during Covid 19