BETA Guide to Prohibited Substances
The BETA Guide to Prohibited Substances in Equestrian Sport
The British Equestrian Trade Association’s new information booklet, The BETA Guide to Avoiding Prohibited Substances, is aimed at helping competitive riders avoid the risk of positive tests for banned substances in equestrian sport. Three key factors responsible for their accidental presence in the horse are highlighted in this useful publication together with a helpful list of ways in which they can be avoided.
BETA’s executive director Claire Williams, who has been instrumental in producing the booklet, said “Many riders are unclear what a prohibited substance is and are surprised to hear that they can be found in everyday food and drink such as chocolate, coffee and tea. By taking a few careful measures, many of which are just plain common sense, the risks of exposing a horse to the substances in question could be significantly reduced.”
The free guide names naturally occurring prohibited substances (NOPS), contamination during manufacture and failure to comply with medication withdrawal periods as the culprits, before providing a comprehensive checklist of care for stable, feed and medication management. This extensive list of Do’s and Don’ts can also be found on the accompanying poster, for use in stable yards and feed rooms.
Both booklet and poster are available as a download from the BETA website. Please refer to the following link but be aware that you need to page down to the bottom of the page where Leaflet and Poster are listed with a link: Hard copies can also be obtained from Tina Hustler in the BETA office, telephone 01937 587062 or email