
Growing Pains in the Young Horse

Growing Pains in the Young Horse

Ensure Your Youngster Gets the Best Start in Life

[two_third]As an experienced vet to many world-class competition horses, including Woodland Farouche the dressage world-title holder at both 5 and 6 years, Horse & Hound readers with youngsters from foals to 4-year olds will benefit from Jane Nixon’s young horse development expertise in today’s (12th June) edition of this publication.
Calling on her 35+ years equine breeding experience, Jane covers the essentials every young horse owner needs to know to ensure their youngster gets the best start in life in terms of its musculoskeletal development, with special emphasis on producing the optimal competition horse of the future.

Entitled: “GROWING PAINS”, topics covered in the article include:

  • One-sidedness or twisting that may have occurred at birth
  • Early monitoring and correction of foal limb development
  • Foot balance, nutrition and controlled exercise in the young horse
  • Foetal bone cartilage growth plate development from birth to 3 years
  • Young horse checklist including vaccinations, teeth, nutrition, tack and training
  • The correction of early diagnosed developmental problems

Conformation problems including:

  • Growth plate twisting resulting in bone outgrowing muscles, tendons & ligaments
  • Excessive limb loading as a result of too great a weight gain too early
  • Exercise caused joint concussion and musculoskeletal problems in the young horse

Jane can be consulted on management for optimal performance in the young competition horse throughout the UK. Jane also provides an affordable 5-stage horse vetting service. For more information please visit the website or call Jane on 0771 3342416.

Jane also touches on exercise and training for optimal development of tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, muscles, respiratory and cardiovascular fitness from the first to fourth years.

Pick up a copy of Horse & Hound at your newsagent today to read more…
